ActionAid Karnataka Projects (AKP) is a society registered on 19 November 1988 under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960, with its headquarters in Bengaluru, Karnataka. AKP has been established with the charitable objective of promoting integrated development. AKP seeks to help children, families, and communities eradicate poverty and secure lasting improvement in the quality of their lives.
AKP seeks to promote, undertake and participate in programmes on health, education, employment and other development-related activities. This includes spreading awareness on issues related to socioeconomic development, and in particular, promoting schemes on child welfare, adult education and schemes to improve the living conditions of people with low incomes. AKP will stimulate people’s involvement and community action in social, economic and cultural development. To this end, AKP will undertake study and research on all matters about development, promote and provide information on development issues and support the printing and publishing of papers, pamphlets, books and journals on education, development and related subjects.